"6ecosrl@6ecosrl.com", "INFORMAZIONI" => "6ecosrl@6ecosrl.com"); $xcodifica_EMAIL = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"; //PARAMETRI URL $xurl = explode("/",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $xpag = $xurl[count($xurl)-1]; $xsez = $xurl[count($xurl)-2]; //CONTROLLI SERVER PER LOGIN E CONNESSIONE DB if($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']=="localhost"){ $x_host = "localhost"; $x_username = "root"; $x_password = ""; $x_db = "6ecosrl"; } else { $x_host = ""; $x_username = "Sql206889"; $x_password = "2a574242"; $x_db = "Sql206889_2"; } if($xsez == "public" and $xpag != "index.php" and $xpag != "nopermesso.php"){ $xutenteattivo = xprot(); } //PREPARO MENU MANAGER function menuManager() { global $xpag; $menu = ''; if($xpag!='index.php' and $xpag!='nopermesso.php'){ $Asez=array('home page','categorie','catalogo'); $Alink=array('http://www.6ecosrl.com','categorie_elenco.php','catalogo_elenco.php'); $menu = ''; } return $menu; } // VALUTA IN EURO function xGetEuro($importo,$flag=0) { $euro = ' €'; if(!empty($flag)) $euro = ' euro'; if(empty($importo)) return '0,00'.$euro; $importo = str_replace(',','.',$importo); $importo_res = number_format($importo,2,',','.').$euro; return $importo_res; } // validazione dati function validaCar($stringa, $tipo, $eccezioni) { $risultato = 0; if($tipo=='AN'){ $carok = ' 01234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmìèéòàù-+()'; } elseif($tipo=='AL'){ $carok = ' qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmìèéòàù-+()'; } elseif($tipo=='NU'){ $carok = '0123456789'; } elseif($tipo=='TX'){ $carok = ' 01234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmìèéòàù-()+*,;.:?!/'; } $carok .= $eccezioni; for($c=0;$c array(), "CNM" => array()); $sql = "SELECT ID_categoria as CID, nome as CNM FROM categorie ORDER by nome"; $rec = $DB->query($sql); while($riga = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rec)) { array_push($Acategorie["CID"], $riga['CID']); array_push($Acategorie["CNM"], $riga['CNM']); } return $Acategorie; } //Tutte le foto del prodotto function prendiFoto($DB, $ID){ $Afoto = array("id" => array(), "num" => array(), "file" => array(), "desc" => array()); $rec = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM immagini WHERE ID_prodotto='$ID' ORDER BY numero"); while($riga = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rec)){ array_push($Afoto['id'], $riga['ID_immagine']); array_push($Afoto['num'], $riga['numero']); array_push($Afoto['file'], $riga['nomefile']); array_push($Afoto['desc'], trim($riga['descrizione'])); } return $Afoto; } //FUNZIONE PER AGGIUNGERE LO 0 function xfill0($dato,$zeri,$dec) { $zeri-=strlen($dato); for($z=0;$z<$zeri;$z++){ $dato = "0".$dato; } $r=strlen($dato)-strpos($dato,","); $dec-=$r; for($z=0;$z<$dec;$z++){ $dato = $dato."0"; } return $dato; } //FUNZIONI DI PARSING E FORMATTAZIONE //TESTI DB function xparstxt($tmpString,$modo){ //returns safe code for preloading in the RTE $tmpString = ltrim($tmpString); $tmpString = rtrim($tmpString); /* $tmpString = str_replace("ì", "ì", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace("è", "è", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace("é", "é", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace("ù", "ù", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace("ò", "ò", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace("à", "à", $tmpString);*/ $tmpString = str_replace("\\'", "'", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace("\'", "'", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace("'", "'", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace('\\"', """, $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace('\"', """, $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace('"', """, $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace("\\", "-", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(236), "ì", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(232), "è", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(232), "é", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(249), "ù", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(242), "ò", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(224), "à", $tmpString); if ($modo=="S"){ //carriage returns & line feeds //$tmpString = str_replace(chr(10), "", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(10).chr(13), "
", $tmpString); } elseif ($modo=="L"){ //carriage returns & line feeds //$tmpString = str_replace("
",chr(10).chr(13), $tmpString); //$tmpString = str_replace("
", "
", $tmpString); } elseif ($modo=="F"){ //carriage returns & line feeds $tmpString = str_replace("
","\n", $tmpString); } return $tmpString; } //FUNZIONI DATA function xdata($d) { $str = 'Domenica,Lunedì,Martedì,Mercoledì,Giovedì,Venerdì,Sabato'; $giorni = explode(',',$str); $str = ',Gennaio,Febbraio,Marzo,Aprile,Maggio,Giugno,Luglio,Agosto,Settembre,Ottobre,Novembre,Dicembre'; $mesi=explode(',',$str); if(empty($d)){ $data = getdate(); } else { $data = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($d,4,2) , substr($d,6,2), substr($d,0,4)); $data = getdate($data); } $c1=$data['mon']; $c2=$data['wday']; return $giorni[$c2].", ".$data['mday'].' '.$mesi[$c1].' '.$data['year']; } function xdataBreve($d) { if(empty($d)){ $data = getdate(); } else { $data = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($d,4,2) , substr($d,6,2), substr($d,0,4)); $data = getdate($data); } return $data['mday'].'/'.$data['mon'].'/'.$data['year']; } //FUNZIONI RIDIRECT function xredirect($to) { header("Location: ".$to); } //PROTEZIONE STANDARD function xprot() { //session_start(); if (array_key_exists('s_ute', $_SESSION)) { $ute = $_SESSION['s_ute']; if (empty($ute)) { xredirect("nopermesso.php"); exit; } $_SESSION['s_ute'] = $ute; } else { xredirect("nopermesso.php"); exit; } return $ute; } //MESSAGGI function xmexg($Amexg, $tm){ $mexgR = ''; if(count($Amexg)>0){ $mexgR = '
'; } return $mexgR; } // CLASSE DB class XDB { public $host; public $usr; public $psw; public $nomedb; public $con; public $seldb; public $errore; function __construct($H,$U,$P,$N) { //NEW $this->host = $H; $this->usr = $U; $this->psw = $P; $this->nomedb = $N; $this->con = ''; $this->seldb = ''; $this->errore = ''; } function apriCon() { $this->con = mysqli_connect($this->host, $this->usr, $this->psw) or die("Connessione al database non riuscita: " .mysqli_error($this->con)); $this->seldb = mysqli_select_db($this->con, $this->nomedb) or die("Selezione database non riuscita: " .mysqli_error($this->con)); } function query($SQL) { $fq = mysqli_query($this->con, $SQL) or die("Query sul database non riuscita: " .mysqli_error($this->con)); return $fq; } function chiudiCon() { //$com = mysql_free_result($frec) or // mysql_close($this->con); $com = mysqli_close($this->con) or die("Chiusura connessione non riuscita: " .mysqli_error($this->con)); } function __destruct() { // = NULL } } ?>
Warning: require(ext/cla_email.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\inetpub\webs\6ecosrlcom\ordine.php on line 3

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required 'ext/cla_email.php' (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in D:\inetpub\webs\6ecosrlcom\ordine.php:3 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in D:\inetpub\webs\6ecosrlcom\ordine.php on line 3